Saturday, June 13, 2009

More recipes, sorta

sly had asked for some Filipino and Hawaiian recipes, and these next ones are ones that we cook fairly often, but, I don't feel like typing them out, or trying to get them to scan, and then transferred, since they are ALL in the books I keep asking her to buy, which you can get CHEAP online!

So, instead, will give you the name of the book, and the recipe name, and page number,so there!
and yes, I know that these books don't have pics, you will live.

From BBQ USA by Steve Raichlen
Tinee's Marinated Chicken Wings (though we use breasts) , p. 75
Tiki beef kebabs, p. 77
Kalua pig , p. 252 and no, you can't do this in the oven or slowcooker and have it come out the same. Needs either slow cooked bbq or pit cooked.
Grilled pork kebabs with Hawaiian Filipino adobo (oh my gawd yum!) p.270
Armando's sweet and salty pork chops, p. 280
Huli Huli chicken (means to turn...), p. 387
Honey lime huli huli chicken, 389
Pineapple huli huli chicken, p. 391
spiced pineapple glazed chicken, p. 397 we do this a lot...
And from the BBQ Bible, by Raichlen
Chinese BBQ pork, p. 169
yakitori, p. 257
Romy's ribs with Filipino seasonings, p. 172

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